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Visa Registration in Russia Information

You must register with the OVIR - Department of Registration and Granting Visas to Foreign Citizens. Upon entry to Russia you must register your Russian visa within three business days after your arrival. The easiest and most hassle free way to register a Russian Visa is at a hotel where you are staying or at one of our Russian offices. The most difficult way is to register directly with an OVIR office in Russia. Our company will provide you with KISS written registration procedures for all methods of registration upon receipt of your order.

Questions? Call 1-602-553-8178, ext 208 between 9am 5pm MST, Monday through Friday.

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Newest, beautiful, single women now added for week of Wednesday, 18 September, 2024 - Tuesday, 24 September, 2024
Your opportunities here are truly worldwide. Explore our site deeply to see how you can realize that!