Shenhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
  • Shenzhen Women
Find your match among China's most eligible brides.

Our Next Shenzhen Group Singles Tour
Departs November 14, 2024
Individual Club Tours 365 Days a Year

Newest, beautiful, single women now added for week of Wednesday, 18 September, 2024 - Tuesday, 24 September, 2024
Your opportunities here are truly worldwide. Explore our site deeply to see how you can realize that!

international dating, john adams,

An Update From John Adams

I want to thank all of those clients who are currently on our April Singles Tours to Medellin, Colombia and Poltava, Ukraine. These two tours are running simultaneously and the turnout has been great! As a matter of fact, we almost had to close the Poltava tour as there were so many men who wanted to take advantage of that opportunity.

This is what A Foreign Affair has always been about and will always be about: giving the men and women who are interested in finding a life partner a way to meet in a safe and helpful environment. It is not about writing letters and it is certainly not about chatting online (which we do not even offer for ethical reasons). It's about travelling, meeting face to face, and seeing for yourself who you may be interested in.

So again, congratulations to those adventurous souls who are embarking on the trip of a lifetime, one that may very well change their lives forever!

John Adams

Newest, beautiful, single women now added for week of Wednesday, 18 September, 2024 - Tuesday, 24 September, 2024
Your opportunities here are truly worldwide. Explore our site deeply to see how you can realize that!